Corporate Services

Recruit - Relocate - Retain

Schmidt Relocation Services is committed to supporting you and your employees every step of the way with full-service Relocation Assistance.


Recruit & Attract

With our personalized community tours, candidates have the opportunity to see the area and learn more from a trusted resource and local expert, allowing for a well-informed decision regarding your offer of employment!

Retention rates are increased!

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Housing Assistance

Whether relocating employees are looking to purchase the home of their dreams or need resources to help with rental options, we're here to help.  We provide mentoring and education that promotes good buying, selling, and temporary housing decisions.

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Home Sale Assistance

If an employee is relocating to West Michigan, they may need assistance selling their current home - through our large network of brokerages, we're happy to arrange for experienced real estate representation to assist in the sale of their current home so that the process goes as smoothly as possible.

What Our Corporate Clients are Saying

Lisa Lopez, Senior Physician Recruiter at Corewell Health/Helen DeVos Children’s Hospital  - "After 4+ years of working with Shelly Shepard and the Coldwell Banker team, we are extremely satisfied with the continued relationship Corewell Health Executive & Provider Recruitment has established. We continue to be impressed with the professionalism and speed with which they are able to reach out and meet the needs of our candidates and new hires. The team shows deep knowledge of the industry, and emerging trends as well as Grand Rapids and the surrounding areas. They not only understand our business needs, they understand our people. Thank you, Shelly and the Relocation team for your dedication, solid work ethic, and genuine care for your clients!"

Dan Blenman, Prev. Senior Talent Acquisition Partner at Wolverine Worldwide - "With unemployment at an all-time low, employers are facing numerous challenges as it comes to attracting and hiring top talent.  Our longstanding relationship with Coldwell Banker Schmidt Relocation Services is a testament to our trust in them creating individualized and memorable experiences for our prospective candidates and their families.  They are flexible and accommodating, and the depth of their knowledge is evident in the positive feedback we receive from candidates and new hires they’ve assisted.  We look forward to our continued partnership with them as they always entice top talent to be attracted to West Michigan."  

Lexi Ketchum, Prev. Talent Acquisition Assistant at JR Automation Technologies, LLC - "JR Automation is proud to partner with Coldwell Banker to provide candidates with the best relocation experience possible. With Coldwell Banker’s expertise, we are one of few companies that are able to offer every relocating candidate a personalized community tour when they interview. Coldwell is very accommodating, friendly, and professional, so I am not surprised we get such great feedback from candidates! In some cases, candidates accepted JR Automation’s offer of employment over others, simply because they knew the area better! Once hired, Coldwell does a great job of following up with candidates to ensure a smooth transition into the area. Overall, Coldwell Banker’s Corporate Relocation services are great from start to finish!" 

What Our Transferees are Saying

"Thank you so much for the tour of the area this past weekend.  It was the best tour of an area we have ever had.  We really appreciate your time!" - MR

"We could not have asked for a more professional, knowledgeable, courteous, and dedicated team. World-class service that was above and beyond the call [of duty]." - HR

"Thank you for the follow-up! The tour was great! I think Chris did a great job of showing me a variety of living options that would fit well with my lifestyle, work hours, and budget. There are several places that I would be very much interested in seeing again if things go well with the job hunt. I wouldn't change a thing!" - LT

"Thanks for all your help in making this happen so quickly and smoothly for us. We are super excited about the new house. Thanks again! It's been great working with you!" - RT & CT

"The move went great and has exceeded our expectations. We're almost settled into the house. It's been a whirlwind over the last couple of months, but you and your team have been a great help. Also, if we can offer a recommendation or reference for you to future clients, please do not hesitate to let us know." - AB

Shelly - 2021

Shelly Shepard

Director of Relocation & Client Services | Associate Broker



Samantha Strait

Lead Business Development & Referral Center Coordinator
